There is no real point to Shock Mitigation on vessels if the only person having it is the Helm. He is capable of pushing the vessel for harder than he normally would with no real serious effect on the crew. On the other hand he will have a hellish journey if no one speaks up.
This I would say would be the main reason for injuries and fatigue on fast moving craft. Wolf Shock Mitigation Decking could cover the whole deck, so everyone benefits from approximately 34% reduction on the impacts and slamming effect is negated nearly totally.
An additional benefit for the decking is although it is relatively heavy (approx. 20kg per Square Metre) this being on the deck of a boat lowers the centre of gravity, so the vessel could be more stable. All of which goes to help the overall ride.
Single Jockey
Specifically for Helmsman on small in-shore, to off-shore Ribs.
Single user recommended only.
Wheel House
1 metre squared is for pilot boat or fishing boat. For small cabins it is possible to build a much larger platform using the squares.
Double Jockey
Double Jockey for Helmsman and Navigator. Ideal when the boat is larger and needs more crew. This deck can be doubled up on so the passengers have the benefit of the shock mitigation as well.
Bridge Deck
Large 2 metre by 1 metre decking is primarily aimed at the bridge deck on larger vessels to cut down mainly continuous vibration for the watch officer or any crew who have to stand in one spot for a long period.